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Bill Gates Funding "Anti-Vaccine Group" Surveillance

Vaccine and population control mega-advocate Bill Gates is now funding anti-vaccine group surveillance.

For example, a $100K grant was recently disbursed to Seth C. Kalichman, professor at the Department of Psychology, University of Connecticut, for "Establishing an Anti-Vaccine Surveillance and Alert System," which intends to "establish an internet-based global monitoring and rapid alert system for finding, analyzing, and counteracting misinformation communication campaigns regarding vaccines to support global immunization efforts." 

In his efforts to further vaccine propaganda, Gates has said that anti-vaccine groups kill children.  Well, Mr. Gates, you can say whatever you like...that doesn't make it true.  It is common for powerful people to say whatever suits their purposes to further their agenda and their profits.  The truth is that vaccines have and do kill children, and their harm is irrefutable.  The truth is that vaccines do not eradicate disease.  The truth is that vaccinated children have been known to contract the illnesses for which they were vaccinated.  The truth is that contracting certain childhood illnesses is not a death sentence, but is actually beneficial for a healthy immune system.  The truth is very different from Gates' presentation of his version of the "facts."

If Gates truly cared for the well-being of children, he would advocate for legitimate vaccine education and parental choice.  Coercion is not education.  Regulating away personal freedoms never helped anyone.

Read the full article here:

Gates Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups

Learn more about the vaccination problem (many links and resources):

Protecting Our Children from Fear-Based Medicine and Vaccine Damage

California Wants to Force Vaccinate...

A new bill before the California senate would effectively strip parents' rights to make vaccination decisions for their children.  

When Dr. Richard Pan’s bill, AB 2019, was debated in a public hearing before California’s Senate Committee on Health, Dawn Richardson, Director of Advocacy for the National Vaccination Information Center (NVIC), showed up to explain why she and her organization opposed the bill. If the bill is enacted into law, Richardson says, it will in effect force mandatory vaccinations onto children even when their parents have decided it’s in their best interest to deny them. Under current law, parents may file a “personal belief exemption” which allows their children to attend public school without vaccinations. But under Pan’s bill, a doctor must sign off on the parents’ decision first, and most of them won’t.

Mandatory Vaccination Battle Heats Up in CA

CA Bill to Restrict Vaccine Exemption

National Vaccine Information Center (news and guidance to help parents make informed vaccine decisions)

The Black and White Truth about Vaccine Damage

The Chalkboard Campaign, sponsored by VaxTruth.org, is working to educate parents about the truth of vaccine dangers.  The following video is a great, simple introduction to the significant problems associated with vaccination and the lies doctors tell.

Read more about the Chalkboard Campaign and study the information presented, such as the LACK of scientific evidence for the safety and efficacy of vaccinations, the evidences of vaccine-induced harm, and a comprehensive guide to vaccine ingredients:

Chalkboard Campaign overview and numerous articles

The Chalkboard Campaign Articles and Video on preventdisease.com

Vaccine Ingredients


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