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Every Wise Woman

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Is Covid Compliance Kindness?

During this surreal “covid era,” we see many in our culture succumbing to fear, clinging to every word being forced upon the public by the mainstream media and governmental authorities.  Even the Church has fallen prey.  Churches initially voluntarily stopped meeting, allowing themselves to be party to a destruction of the separation between church and state, allowing the government to mandate that the Body of Christ abandon its God-given commission to fellowship together corporately.  Some church leaders have re-opened their weekly meetings, but insist upon mask wearing.  Perhaps some of these individuals, not wanting to admit they are promoting mask wearing out of blind obedience to unrighteous authorities, are saying, “If you love your neighbor, you will wear a mask to stop the spread of the covid pandemic.”  But such a statement is an emotionally manipulative exhortation based on a faulty assumption.  The Church at large is being irresponsible to promote such unquestioning obedience to a fear-based narrative regarding a supposedly epidemic-proportion deadly viral contagion that has never been proven with legitimate scientific methodology to even exist.  Among other potential agendas, the narrative of covid misinformation is being used to control the masses and promote the acceptance of a New World Order.  Christians are complicit in the destruction of our society and our God-given liberties when they practice blind trust in the narrative being proclaimed.  

In my opinion, the current mask-wearing oppression is reminiscent of the American 20th century civil rights era.  The oppressive narrative at that time, violating the human and civil rights of African-Americans by refusing to allow them service in numerous public spaces (even forcing them to use separate water fountains and bathrooms), postulated the ridiculous and offensive notion that whites would be harmed in some way…even made ill…by sharing those spaces.  How ironic that in this covid era, the same narrative is being proclaimed about non-maskers.

Forced mask-wearing is a violation of bodily autonomy and our human right to unencumbered breathing and blood oxygenation.  It is a practice of forcing us to put something on our bodies against our will that harms our health.  Forced testing also violates our natural rights.  The tests are not even accurate enough to be trusted, even if they were actually able to detect a supposed viral agent.  But the PCR test has already been called into question by numerous professionals for its inability to legitimately detect viral contagions…at the most, it is detecting only exosomes (RNA strands found as part of the body’s “clean-up crew”).  Medical and scientific professionals have warned that the tests have an extraordinarily high false postive rate and have been shown to produce both negative and positive results concurrently in the same subject.  The testing is unreliable.  The promoted masks are unable to contain and protect against viral agents.  This virus is unproven by infectious disease scientific methodological standards.  This covid experience appears to be a conditioning exercise, getting people comfortable with the loss of bodily autonomy, as it is a very real potential lead-in to forced vaccination…the practice of forcing us to put something in our bodies against our will that harms our health.  And all in the name of the “common good”…  How ironic!  Our government allows and the medical industry assists pregnant women in murdering their preborn babies day after day, year after year… Considering such hypocrisy, no persons or “authorities” have any license to request or mandate that any one of us give up our bodily autonomy under the deceptive guise of “not harming” others. According to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks abortion rates and demographics worldwide, an estimated 862,320 babies were aborted in United States clinics in 2017.  Where is the outcry against these deaths? Where is the demand for “kindness” and protection of these lives? Where are the mandated restrictions to prevent these losses?

This covid narrative and its management is beyond questionable.  We must face the very reasonable potential that the virus is not real, as no empirical scientific evidence, following infectious disease testing criteria, has proven the existence of said virus.  The science being used against us during this event has been irresponsible at best, pseudo-science at worst.  We ought to encourage one another to read the medical research papers being published and understand the assumptions and hypotheses being made and promoted as fact.  We ought to question who is proclaiming this narrative and why.  People ought not to blindly trust the government and the media.  Perhaps they ought to consider not listening to so much mainstream news (or any news daily for that matter…inundation with continuous bad news is unhealthy, and stress is a real killer).  It is entirely reasonable to agree with the position that this covid “epidemic” is a hoax…a planned event (with plenty of evidence from the past decade) being used as a scapegoat to cover-up the real harm and illness being caused by a new onslaught of radiation poisoning, as well as a political weapon by technocrats and globalists to upend society as we know it, to usher in a new world order, to further damage economies and crush natural rights and civil liberties. [Chronic exposure to EMF radiation from cell phones/towers, smart meters, wifi routers, bluetooth devices, etc has long been known as a health hazard…5G levels are far more potent than previous-generation microwave radiation-producing devices. Did you know that one of the side effects of significant microwave radiation exposure is hypoxia (diminished oxygenation of blood and body tissues)? This is quite significant considering “covid” symptomatology: microwave radiation disrupts the body’s ability to absorb and use oxygen; microwave radiation creates significant heat and cellular stress, among many other problems. ”Covid” patients have been described as dying from oxygen deprivation. Should we not collectively be discussing the very real health threat posed by constant exposure to high levels of environmental microwave radiation? The data is available and has been for many years…for anyone willing to consider information outside the officially sanctioned narrative.]

Even if people choose to believe in the validity of an unproven viral agent, we must consider the data revealing the lack of severity of this assumed virus.  Deadly epidemic it is not.  And if we do assume the existence of a virus that can cause illness and death (albeit only on the level of a really bad flu season), we must understand that the masks being promoted and used are completely unable to stop the passing of viral particles, due to the size of viral particles versus the size of permeability openings in the mask materials.  Even the N95 masks say on their packaging insert that they “do not protect against the risk of contracting disease or infection.”  Saying any cloth/paper/fabric masks can protect one from a virus is akin to putting up a chain-link fence to keep mosquitos out of your yard.  The claim that we are wearing masks to protect others is naive and extremely faulty, based on flawed logic and volitional blind trust in misinformation.  I venture to suggest that putting on a useless mask against a potentially non-existent or at the least non-epidemic-proportion-lethal virus simply because someone else is scared of you if you don’t wear one, is a destructively enabling practice.  We are fueling irrational fear.  That is neither kind nor loving.  It’s like taking your alcoholic friend to the liquor store because he’s in so much withdrawal pain.  It is not a kindness to propagate delusions that harm the fearful individual as well as all of society.  Fear is a very health-damaging emotion.  Let’s work together to dispel it…that would be an incredibly loving thing to do!

Furthermore, and perhaps most important, this culture of masking is working to desensitize society to dehumanization…to de-individualization.  We are being trained to accept ourselves and fellow humans as faceless automatons.

Long ago, Arabs discovered that forcing people to cover their noses and mouths broke their wills and individuality, and depersonalized them. It made them submissive. Modern psychology explains it: without a face we don’t exist as independent beings. The mask is the beginning of deleting individuality.  —Very Rev. Fr. Saša Petrović; Saint Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church

Too many people across multiple societies in various countries look to government to be their God.  They put faith and trust in the system…they seek to be taken care of by their chosen parental/god system.  But government is not God…it is not made up of infallible benign people worthy of our blind faith.  Governments and their agencies are made up of humans…the same humans as the rest of the world…representing the good, the bad, and the ugly in humanity.  And government, ironically, is not the “good guy,” the neutral force of justice and protection.  It isn’t even the controlling factor much of the time…private interests…monied interests…determine many of the directions our societies take, influence most of the actions our governments take.  We need to wake up to reality.  We are being told to bend the knee (compliance in exchange for “peace”) to unrighteous, unjust and non-evidence-based mandates…we are being set up collectively for a new normal that violates all natural rights and liberties…the mask-wearing is an indoctrination ritual preparing society for the next steps in the loss of our freedoms and autonomy.  

The masks have become the symbol for the politicized weapon that is Covid.  The masks have contributed to great discord among human brethren…it fuels the “us and them” sentiment.  This agenda was in the works for years, with billionaire technocrats and population control gurus and Marxist-inspired policy makers stacking the dominoes.  We are watching the surreal unfolding of the Great Reset that these architects desire.  The reshaping of economies and liberties are part of this great agenda, the metamorphosis taking place before our eyes and with our implicit and explicit permission.  Some agree with the agenda and desire it.  Others don’t understand and clearly see the agenda for what it is.  Others see and despise the agenda yet feel helpless to stop it.  The “new normal” that we are experiencing thanks to the covid era is not receding anytime soon, if ever…unless we take a stand. 

If we don’t push back now, we are guaranteed to be further marginalized once the focus shifts from the mask to the vaccine. Even if we do push back, we must prepare for the real possibility that we will be on the losing side because not enough of our fellow Americans chose to join us in the resistance. — Independent journalist Leo Hohmann


To read more about the Covid issue and why we should be questioning the narrative, please see my paper on “Questioning Covid,” in which I delve deeply (with data) into the issues mentioned in this commentary…the efficacy of testing, mask-wearing, the uncanny “warm-ups” to the covid era, and the questionable scientific validity of the covid “virus” itself. The best way to discover truth is to question, to research, to discuss freely in the marketplace of ideas. Blessings on your search!


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